The Tale of Stephanie

Serious Side

Stephanie Woodman is an avid collector of experiences and a perpetual student of life. The human species ability to persevere and heal fascinates her. And every person has an interesting story, even if they don’t see it. Inevitably, she found her passion writing about this indomitable ability in poetry as well as Historical and Literary Fiction, sharing characters whose lived history haunts their future lives. She brings the perspective of the action of youth with the retrospection of age, while highlighting lesser-known aspects of history to ensure they aren’t forgotten. The older she gets, the more she appreciates Mark Twain’s realization that history often rhymes.

Fun Side

Born and raised in the Midwest, surrounded by land, she dreamt of oceans and far off adventures. After earning her degree in Chemical Engineering, she ventured off to enjoy a long career in industry, then a short career as a High School Math teacher. For fun, she loves traveling the world (with 15 US states and 3 continents left on her bucket list), meeting new people, scuba diving, sailing (anything with water, except slicing her golf ball into the lake – and no, she hasn’t even been close to a hole in one yet) and is now a pickle ball addict.  She’s also a very proud mother, former wish granter, and clown who is still very proficient at balloon animals.

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